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Theoretically about the context

Theoretical considerations regarding the context are often a natural part even of studies mainly concerned with quite other things. The work of the context group, however, inspired the following exclusively methodological inquiry into the concept of context:

“‘Jesus of Context’: Putting Perspective in Perspective”, Jesus – Gestalt und Gestaltungen: Rezeptionen des Galiläers in Wissenschaft, Kirche und Gesellschaft (eds. Petra von Gemünden, David G. Horrell & Max Küchler, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013), pp. 515–535.

I regard the findings that I have made in this study as very important and as something that I must pursue further. Unfortunately, the main result cannot be explained without more extensive recourse to the study.  The following “by-product” may still be worth mentioning:

“The statement that Jesus was a Jew forms the starting point of current research. From here on, we must proceed by asking what kind of Jew he was. In particular, we should ask how Jesus differed from other Jews or “Judaisms”. That is to say, we should inquire into his difference compared with that of other Jews or “Judaisms”. After the misplaced wanderings of previous phases of research, therefore, historical Jesus study must now reengage in the quest for the different Jesus. This is required by the context-phenomenon dynamics, i.e., this is our only way forward as long as we continue to regard the Judaism that formed Jesus’ context as heterogeneous and diverse.”

For the context of Jesus as a concrete (not theoretical) object of study, see mainly here.